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Showing 113–128 of 181 resultsSorted by latest
Our largest brimmed bucket hat yet. The Galion from Henschel Hat Company features a washed cotton twill composition, 3″ brim, breathable eyelets, and adjustable chincord. Washed Cotton Twill UPF 50+ 3″ Brim Eyelets Self Band Chincord Booney
The Fitchburg from Henschel Hat Company is a perfect blend of functionality and style. Crafted from durable polyester, it ensures longevity and resilience against the elements. Its mesh crown design allows for optimal airflow, keeping you cool and comfortable even in warm weather. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors or enjoying a casual day in […]
A quality cap doesn’t get much better than this. The Ferrara from Brims Hat Company is handmade in Italy with Harris Tweed 100% virgin wool and features genuine nubuck suede leather accents and quilt lining. *Harris Tweed – Dyed, Spun, Handwoven at the home of the Weaver and Finished in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Handmade in […]
Farmingdale Leather Walker Hat
The Farmingdale Leather Walker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is a testament to refined ruggedness, made for those who embrace adventure with style. Crafted from smooth, premium cowhide leather, its 3-inch shapeable brim provides both a sleek silhouette and practical protection against the elements. Accented with a braided tieback band, this hat blends elegance and […]
The Eutaw Outback Straw Hat from Henschel Hat Company captures the untamed spirit of the West. Crafted from hand-stained raffia straw, it’s both rugged and refined, with a bull skull concho and rivet-studded leather band that tell a story of bold adventures. Whether you’re exploring dusty trails or enjoying a sunny escape, this hat is […]
The Endura Aussie Breezer Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for those who thrive under the open sky. Made from a durable cotton blend, it boasts a 3-inch brim for optimal sun protection and a secure chincord to keep it in place on windy trails. Its dual-layered band adds a refined touch to this […]
The Elsinboro Leather Walker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is more than just a hat—it’s a symbol of rugged adventure. Crafted from premium cowhide leather, it boasts a 3-inch shapeable brim that bends to your will, offering both protection and style. Accented with a leather concho band, this hat carries the spirit of the untamed […]
Fashionable and outdoorsy, the Elkmont from Henschel Hat Company achieves the best of both worlds. Featuring a water repellent, waxed cotton composition, shapeable brim, and stylish leather band. Waxed Cotton Water Repellent 3″ Brim Chincord Leather Band Outback
The Elgin Wool Fedora Hat by Henschel Hats brings a fresh take on a classic style with its distinctive design. Made from a comfortable wool blend, it’s both cozy and durable, making it a great option for cooler weather. The crown features a bold plaid pattern, giving the hat a unique visual appeal that stands […]
Eagleswood Wool Felt Hiker Hat
The Eagleswood Wool Felt Hiker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is designed for those who find solace in the wilderness and warmth in every journey. Its crushable wool felt body and 2 1/2-inch brim offer reliable comfort, whether trekking through wooded trails or pausing to enjoy the crisp mountain air. Accented with a leather band […]
Dunham Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
Dunham Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
The Dunham Waxed Cotton Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for explorers who demand both durability and style. Made from rugged waxed cotton with a 3-inch brim, this hat is built to weather the elements while keeping you shaded on every adventure. Accented with a leather band and loop, and equipped with eyelets […]
Complete your western look with the Dude from Henschel Hat Company. The Dakota cowhide leather and handsome silver encrusted concho band amplifies the name to passer-byes. “Dude, that’s a nice hat!” Dakota Cowhide Leather 3″ Brim Silver Encrusted Tie Back Concho Band Dude
Identify yourself as the leader in the crew with the Don from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring full grain oiled leather and matching leather band with a loop. This hat conveys class. Full Grain Oiled Leather 2 1/2″ Brim Leather Band With Loop 2 Eyelets On Each Side Safari
One of the only caps from Henschel Hats, the Dixon maintains the high quality standards the company is know for with a premium cowhide leather composition, adjustable back strap, and air flow eyelets. Shade yourself with class. Premium Cowhide Leather Adjustable Backstrap Eyelets Baseball OSFA (One Size Fits All)
One of the hottest hats around! Hand made in Ecuador from genuine Panama straw, the Diamante from Henschel Hat Company illuminates and allures. Hand Made in Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw 2 3/8″ Brim Grosgrain Band With Loop
Take in the crystal clear waters, colorfully speckled fish, and silky smooth sand as you relax in shade. The Diamante Brisa from Henschel Hat Company keeps you cool with lightweight, genuine panama straw, UPF 50+ sun protection, and a grosgrain band with loop. Genuine Panama Straw Handmade in Ecuador Lightweight Breathable UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ […]
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