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Showing 65–80 of 181 resultsSorted by latest
The leaves rustle along the streets as a cool breeze fills the city air. The Newport from Henschel Hat Company is a stylish way to keep the wind out of your hair. Faux Leather Composition Cotton Lining Accent Piping 6 Panel Ivy
Timeless elegance and craftsmanship, the Nerina from Henschel Hat Company features two tone weave perfected by skilled artisans, genuine panama straw, and a stylish grosgrain band. Made in Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw Stylish Grosgrain Band Two Tone Weave 3″ Brim UPF 50+ Sun Protection
The Navajo Wool Felt Hiker Hat from Henschel Hat Company exudes understated sophistication with a nod to outdoor style. Its crushable wool felt construction and 2 1/2-inch brim strike the perfect balance between practicality and elegance. Finished with a classic grosgrain band and bow, this hat adds a refined touch to any adventure, whether you’re […]
The Movico Distressed Aussie Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for the rugged outdoorsman, featuring breathable screen vent eyelets that keep you cool in even the toughest conditions. Its snap-up brim lets you switch between sun protection and a laid-back look, while the sturdy chin cord ensures it stays secure through wind and weather. […]
Mountaineer Western Leather Aussie Hat
Mountaineer Western Leather Aussie Hat
To conquer a mountain you need special equipment with soul. The Mountaineer, from Henschel Hat Company takes your adventure to new heights with smooth full grain leather and a snap up brim for a customized look. Cowhide Leather 3″ Snap Up Brim Leather Chincord Aussie
Stylish, warm, and sophisticated, the Monetta from Henschel Hat Company strengthens your wardrobe. Featuring a wool body, big bill, and plaid pattern. Wool Big Bill Plaid Pattern Ivy
Miramichi Dakota Leather Cowhide Hat
Miramichi Dakota Leather Cowhide Hat
Greet your fellow cowboys with a hat that talks back. The Miramichi from Henschel Hat Company features Dakota cowhide leather and a handsome braided band and silver conchos. Dakota Cowhide Leather 3″ Shapeable Brim Braided Band & Silver Conchos Dude
The Millport Fedora Hat from Henschel Hats is where modern edge meets refined craftsmanship. Made from smooth faux leather, this fedora exudes a sleek and bold aesthetic, enhanced by a matching self-band and eye-catching contrasting trim. Perfect for those who value distinctive style, the Millport is a statement piece that elevates any look with confidence […]
Top up or top down, the choice is yours with the Meridian from Henschel Hat Company. This lightweight cap features a zip off crown (turning the hat into a visor), water repellent fabric, and mesh vents on top. Zip Off Crown Packable Water Repellent Mesh Vents on Top Baseball
The Matawan Straw Boater Hat from Henschel Hat Company brings a touch of seaside charm to your wardrobe. Crafted from raffia straw with a 3-inch brim, it offers effortless sun protection while maintaining a timeless silhouette. Finished with a nautical band, this hat is perfect for coastal adventures or leisurely days by the water. Raffia […]
Redefining the classic ivy style with lightweight and water repellent material, the Marlow from Henschel Hat Company is a stylish shield from the elements. Take control. Lightweight Water Repellent Crushable Eyelets On Each Side For Breathability Cotton Lining New Shape Ivy
Crisp and classic with style unmatched. The Markham from Henschel Hat Company features a warm wool felt composition and slick grosgrain ribbon band. You can’t be touched. Wool Felt Grosgrain Ribbon Band & Bow 1 5/8″ Brim Crushable Porkpie
Slick to the touch, the Marion from Henschel Hat Company is made of waxed cotton to help repel the elements and features a 3″ brim, chincord, eyelets, and a stylish leather band. Waxed Cotton Water Repellent 3″ Brim Eyelets Chincord Leather Band & Loop Outback
The Maricopa Wool Felt Hiker Hat from Henschel Hat Company exudes effortless style with its rustic wool felt and sophisticated 3-inch brim. Accented by a sleek leather band and timeless buckle, this hat elevates your look whether you’re venturing into the outdoors or embracing casual chic. Designed for versatility, it’s the perfect blend of rugged […]
The Marbury Felt Outback Hat from Henschel Hat Company combines rugged functionality with a refined edge. Made from soft wool felt, its 3-inch brim provides ample protection, while the engraved leather band with a buckle and stylish feather add a touch of sophistication. Whether you’re exploring the outdoors or making a statement in town, the […]
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