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Showing 17–32 of 181 resultsSorted by price: low to high
The Matawan Straw Boater Hat from Henschel Hat Company brings a touch of seaside charm to your wardrobe. Crafted from raffia straw with a 3-inch brim, it offers effortless sun protection while maintaining a timeless silhouette. Finished with a nautical band, this hat is perfect for coastal adventures or leisurely days by the water. Raffia […]
Capturing the stylish essence of the wild west, the Comanche from Henschel Hat Company features hand stained raffia straw, a multi colored beaded band, and beautiful centered concho. Hand Stained Raffia Straw Centered Star Concho Multi Colored Beaded Band Hiker
The Eutaw Outback Straw Hat from Henschel Hat Company captures the untamed spirit of the West. Crafted from hand-stained raffia straw, it’s both rugged and refined, with a bull skull concho and rivet-studded leather band that tell a story of bold adventures. Whether you’re exploring dusty trails or enjoying a sunny escape, this hat is […]
The Belvidere Wool Fedora Hat from Henschel Hats brings a fresh perspective to classic headwear. Featuring a distinctive plaid-patterned crown paired with a solid-colored brim, this wool blend fedora combines texture and contrast for a striking visual appeal. With its crushable design and self-band detail, the Belvidere is the ideal accessory for anyone looking to […]
Prepare yourself for the warm tropical vibes with the Alturay from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a lightweight paper straw composition, striped band, and contrasting checkered pattern. Paper Straw Lightweight Contrasting Checkered Pattern Striped Band Fedora
The Ashburn from Henschel Hat Company will light up your face as you cruise through the day. Featuring neutral colors and lightweight materials, this duckbill cap is a great addition to your wardrobe. Lightweight Linen Blend Cotton Lining Duckbill
Refine and refresh with the Chester from Henschel Hat Company. Put on this lightweight linen flat cap, take a deep breath, and enjoy the day ahead. Genuine Linen Cotton Lining Ivy
Crisp, lightweight, with a touch of summer vibes, the Makah from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight paper straw composition and stylish grosgrain band. Paper Straw Lightweight Grosgrain Band Fedora
Redefining the classic ivy style with lightweight and water repellent material, the Marlow from Henschel Hat Company is a stylish shield from the elements. Take control. Lightweight Water Repellent Crushable Eyelets On Each Side For Breathability Cotton Lining New Shape Ivy
Subtle complexity for a humbled yet fashionable look. The Newry from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight cotton composition, a small checkered pattern, and satin lining. Cotton Lightweight Satin Lining Duckbill
Stay stylishly warm with the Salem from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a warm wool body, sleek herringbone pattern, and a suede leather visor. Poly-Wool Blend Herringbone Pattern Suede Faux Leather Visor New Shape Ivy
The Stirling from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight cotton composition, stonewashed pattern, and satin lining for a classic, stylish look. Cotton Stonewashed Pattern Satin Lining Driver
Woburn Cold Weather Driver Cap
Woburn Cold Weather Driver Cap
As the cold weather settles, the Woburn brings that summer warmth to your head. This Henschel driver cap features a poly-wool blend and subtle plaid pattern. Poly-Wool Blend Subtle Plaid Pattern Driver Cap
The Greer Duckbill Cap from Henschel Hats brings a modern twist to a classic design with its rich corduroy texture and sleek duckbill silhouette. The satin lining adds a layer of comfort and refinement, making it as practical as it is stylish. Whether you’re strolling through the city or heading out for a casual gathering, […]
A quintessential symbol of American pride and style. The Americana from Henschel Hat Company boasts a breathable mesh crown, expertly engineered to keep you cool and comfortable in the warmest of climates. The lightweight mesh construction ensures optimal airflow, allowing a gentle breeze to caress your head as you embrace the great outdoors. UPF 50+ […]
The Camo Breezer from Henschel is the perfect hunting hat featuring UPF 50+ sun protection and a mesh crown for breathability. The Realtree patterns disguise you in plain sight. Blend with nature. UPF 50+ Sun Protection Polycotton Camo 3″ Brim Chincord Aussie
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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