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Showing 49–64 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
The Belfast Distressed Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for the adventurer who values both style and functionality. Its breathable screen vent eyelets ensure maximum comfort in warm climates, while the distressed finish gives it a well-worn, adventurous look. With a minimalist self-band, this hat is ready to take on whatever life throws […]
The Movico Distressed Aussie Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for the rugged outdoorsman, featuring breathable screen vent eyelets that keep you cool in even the toughest conditions. Its snap-up brim lets you switch between sun protection and a laid-back look, while the sturdy chin cord ensures it stays secure through wind and weather. […]
Pontotoc Distressed Military Cap
Pontotoc Distressed Military Cap
The Pontotoc Distressed Military Cap from Henschel Hat Company is built for those who appreciate both style and practicality, featuring breathable eyelets to keep you cool during any adventure. Its distressed finish gives it a rugged, worn-in look, while the packable design ensures it’s always travel-ready. Whether you’re exploring new terrain or navigating city streets, […]
Norwich Distressed Baseball Cap
The Norwich Distressed Baseball Cap from Henschel Hat Company blends rugged charm with a touch of luxury, featuring a soft satin lining for an unexpectedly smooth feel. Its packable design makes it easy to stow away, ensuring it’s always ready for spontaneous adventures. With a distressed finish that adds character, this cap transitions seamlessly from […]
The Distressed Amory Bucket Hat from Henschel Hat Company is a versatile companion for those who embrace adventure with laid-back style. Featuring screen vents for optimal airflow and a crushable design, this hat is built to pack up and bounce back without losing its shape. With its rugged distressed finish, the Amory is perfect for […]
Traveler Distressed Booney Hat
The Traveler Distressed Booney Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for the wanderer who thrives on exploration, featuring a rugged, distressed finish and a floatable, water-repellent design that handles any terrain. Its UPF 50+ sun protection, green underbrim, breathable eyelets, and moisture-wicking sweatband keep you cool and safe under the harshest conditions. With a […]
Wilson Waxed Cotton Baseball Cap
Wilson Waxed Cotton Baseball Cap
The Wilson Baseball Cap from Henschel Hat Company blends rugged durability with everyday ease, featuring a water-repellent waxed cotton design to handle unpredictable weather. Inside, the cotton lining ensures lasting comfort, while the adjustable backstrap offers a personalized fit. Whether you’re heading out for a hike or a casual day in town, this cap adapts […]
Langston Waxed Cotton Newsboy Cap
Langston Waxed Cotton Newsboy Cap
The Langston Newsboy Cap from Henschel Hat Company redefines vintage charm with modern practicality, crafted from waxed cotton for a water-repellent finish that keeps you covered in unpredictable weather. Its soft cotton lining offers superior comfort, making it perfect for all-day wear, whether you’re strolling through the city or heading to a café. With a […]
The Ola Baseball Cap from Henschel Hat Company brings together rugged durability and everyday style with its waxed cotton build and water-repellent finish. The contrasting leather visor gives it a standout edge, while the adjustable backstrap ensures comfort for any journey. Designed for versatility, this cap is your go-to whether you’re off-roading or running errands […]
Burkmere Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
Burkmere Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
The Burkmere Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for adventurers who demand both style and durability. Made from water-repellent waxed cotton, it shields you from the elements while its eyelets keep airflow steady on hot days. With a minimalist self-band, this hat seamlessly transitions from rugged outdoor excursions to laid-back urban outings. Waxed […]
Sorrento Waxed Cotton Outback Hat
Sorrento Waxed Cotton Outback Hat
The Sorrento Outback Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for the bold traveler, featuring a rugged waxed cotton exterior with water-repellent protection to brave any storm. Screen vents keep you cool under the blazing sun, while the sleek self-band offers a clean, minimalist touch. Designed for adventure, this hat is ready to tackle the […]
Allport Waxed Cotton Packer Hat
Allport Waxed Cotton Packer Hat
The Allport Packer Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for those who value durability and comfort on the go, featuring a crushable, water-repellent waxed cotton design that bounces back after any adventure. Its cotton lining provides all-day comfort, while the eyelets offer breathability in warmer weather. Finished with a tieback leather band, this hat […]
The Avon Booney Hat from Henschel Hat Company is designed for the modern adventurer, featuring waxed cotton and water-repellent protection to handle unpredictable elements. With screen vents for breathability and a packable design, it easily adapts to any journey, from mountain trails to coastal getaways. Complete with an adjustable chin cord and a secret pocket […]
Allgood Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
Allgood Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
The Allgood Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for the explorer at heart, crafted from rugged, waxed cotton with water-repellent protection to brave any weather. Its breathable eyelets keep you cool on sun-soaked adventures, while the leather band adds a touch of rustic sophistication. Whether trekking through the wild or wandering city streets, […]
The Geraldine is a timeless classic, handmade in Ecuador from authentic Panama straw, and features a distinctive band that adds a touch of flair. Designed with a 3-inch brim and UPF 50+ protection, it’s as functional as it is fashionable. Genuine Panama Straw Handmade in Ecuador Lightweight Breathable UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ Brim Decorative […]
Crafted with care in Ecuador, the Silvia Panama hat combines elegance and practicality with its genuine straw weave and delicately adorned band. With a 3-inch brim and UPF 50+ sun protection, it’s the perfect companion for stylish, sun-safe adventures. Genuine Panama Straw Vented Crown Handmade in Ecuador Lightweight Breathable UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ Brim […]
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