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Showing 145–160 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
Identify yourself as the leader in the crew with the Don from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring full grain oiled leather and matching leather band with a loop. This hat conveys class. Full Grain Oiled Leather 2 1/2″ Brim Leather Band With Loop 2 Eyelets On Each Side Safari
One of the only caps from Henschel Hats, the Dixon maintains the high quality standards the company is know for with a premium cowhide leather composition, adjustable back strap, and air flow eyelets. Shade yourself with class. Premium Cowhide Leather Adjustable Backstrap Eyelets Baseball OSFA (One Size Fits All)
One of the hottest hats around! Hand made in Ecuador from genuine Panama straw, the Diamante from Henschel Hat Company illuminates and allures. Hand Made in Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw 2 3/8″ Brim Grosgrain Band With Loop
Take in the crystal clear waters, colorfully speckled fish, and silky smooth sand as you relax in shade. The Diamante Brisa from Henschel Hat Company keeps you cool with lightweight, genuine panama straw, UPF 50+ sun protection, and a grosgrain band with loop. Genuine Panama Straw Handmade in Ecuador Lightweight Breathable UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ […]
Cruise to stylish highs with the Deltona from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a sleek grosgrain band and hand made in Ecuador from genuine panama straw. Genuine Panama Straw Hand Made in Ecuador 2″ Brim Lightweight Grosgrain Band & Loop Trilby
What do you get when you mix our Breezer and Camper together!? The Dawson blends the best features from both hats into one, including a full mesh crown, dimensional brim for maximum sun protection, water repellent material, secret pocket inside, and much more. UPF 50+ Crushable Floatable Water Repellent Moisture Wicking Sweatband Secret Pocket Inside Cotton Chincord Green Underbrim For […]
Brave and courageous, the Coyote from Henschel Hat Company features raging bull full grain leather and a beautifully braided tieback band. Take the beaten path and discover the unknown. Raging Bull Full Grain Leather 3 Inch Brim Braided Tieback Band Walker U-Shape-It
Capturing the stylish essence of the wild west, the Comanche from Henschel Hat Company features hand stained raffia straw, a multi colored beaded band, and beautiful centered concho. Hand Stained Raffia Straw Centered Star Concho Multi Colored Beaded Band Hiker
Built to last, the Colwood from Henschel Hat Company looks better with time. Featuring rugged dakota cowhide leather, 3″ brim, chincord, and tieback concho band. Rugged Dakota Cowhide Leather 3″ Brim Chincord Tieback Concho Band Hiker
The Claremore from Henschel Hat Company fuses adventure with class. Featuring a 2 1/2″ brim, stylish eyelets, and a leather band. Let the journey begin! Poly-Cotton 2 1/2″ Brim Eyelets Leather Band With Loop Safari
The elements can be unforgiving. Keep your hat on your head with an adjustable chincord. Includes a faux leather band and bead.
Refine and refresh with the Chester from Henschel Hat Company. Put on this lightweight linen flat cap, take a deep breath, and enjoy the day ahead. Genuine Linen Cotton Lining Ivy
Explore the wilderness, round up the cattle, or dance the night away—the Charleston from Henschel Hat Company adapts to any adventure with ease. This versatile hat pulls off a variety of looks, blending practicality with style. Featuring water-repellent wool felt, a beautifully decorated leather band, and a crushable body for easy packing, the Charleston is […]
The Capone from Henschel Hat Company exudes vintage charm and undeniable confidence. Crafted from fine wool felt, its roll-up brim and sleek silhouette deliver a polished yet bold aesthetic. Accented with a stylish feather and a custom inner lining, this derby hat adds a sharp finishing touch to any look, ensuring you stand out with […]
Summer’s nice and all, but viruses, bugs, and harmful rays can get in the way. The Canton from Henschel features water repellent material, removable face and neck shield, UPF 50+ sun protection, and a vented crown. Nothing’s going to stop you from the bright sunshiny days! Polyester UPF 50+ Vented Crown Water Repellent Removable Neck […]
The ultimate hat crafted for any and all outdoor endeavors. The Camper from Henschel is jam packed with features including a dimensional brim for maximum sun protection, water repellent material, secret pocket inside, and much more. UPF 50+ Crushable Floatable Water Repellent Moisture Wicking Sweatband Secret Pocket Inside Cotton Chincord Green Underbrim For Additional Sun Protection […]
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