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Showing 65–80 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
Your head is a wild, mountainous, territory that needs strong, yet stylish, protection. Made from waxed cowhide leather, the Yukon from Henschel Hat Company features a crushable body, breathable screen vents, and shapeable brim for flexibility on the go. Finished with a beautifully braided two-tone band, this hat is as tough as it is refined. […]
Henschel brings the adventure to you with the Wrangler. Your next hike or concert is sure to offer opportunities to show off the smooth suede leather and beautifully braided tie back. UPF 50+ Sun Protection Sued Leather 3″ Brim Mesh Crown Braided Tieback Band Explorer
Woburn Cold Weather Driver Cap
Woburn Cold Weather Driver Cap
As the cold weather settles, the Woburn brings that summer warmth to your head. This Henschel driver cap features a poly-wool blend and subtle plaid pattern. Poly-Wool Blend Subtle Plaid Pattern Driver Cap
Smooth, simple, and stylish. The Wilmot from Henschel Hat Company features waxed cotton, eyelets, and water repellent body. Waxed Cotton Eyelets Water Repellent Ivy
The Elgin Wool Fedora Hat by Henschel Hats brings a fresh take on a classic style with its distinctive design. Made from a comfortable wool blend, it’s both cozy and durable, making it a great option for cooler weather. The crown features a bold plaid pattern, giving the hat a unique visual appeal that stands […]
Stylish sun armour for work and play. The Wellston from Henschel Hat Company features UPF 50+ sun protection, 3″ snap up brim, vented crown, chincord, and removable face armour. Polyester UPF 50+ 3″ Snap Up Brim Vented Crown Chincord Water Repellent Removable Face Armour Booney
Unique and fashionable, the Makah from Henschel Hat Company features abstract pattern, contrasting colors, and a lightweight knit composition. Knit Lightweight Abstract Pattern Contrasting colors Fedora
Lightweight and flexible, the Ucon from Henschel Hat Company is a great option for the warm weather days. Featuring hand stained raffia, an ivory colored concho, and a sleek leather band. Hand Stained Raffia Straw Ivory Colored Concho Braided Leather Band Hiker
Tuscola Western Straw Hiker Hat
Tuscola Western Straw Hiker Hat
Made from hand stained straw, the Tuscola from Henschel Hat Company shines even when the sun goes down. The center concho adds an elaborate touch making this hat irresistible. Hand Stained Straw Chincord Roped Band With Detailed Center Concho Hiker
The perfect blend of fashion and outerwear. The Turo from Henschel Hat Company redefines the safari style with genuine garment cowhide leather, satin lining, and matching leather band. Be adventurous, be bold. Smooth Garment Cowhide Leather 2 1/2″ Brim Satin Lining Matching Leather Band & Loop Safari
Just because your style’s unchained doesn’t mean you can’t chain your style. The Trinity from Henschel Hat Company is made of a premium garment leather and features a bold chain band. Premium Garment Leather Chain Band Brando
Achieve an endless summer with the Trilby from Henschel Hat Company. A sheer glance at this hand made, genuine Panama straw, fedora will warm your soul any day of the year. Hand Made In Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw 2″ Brim Grosgrain Band With Loop Trilby
The Traveler Booney Hat from Henschel Hat Company is designed for the adventurer who demands both protection and performance, with UPF 50+ sun coverage and a floatable, water-repellent design for any environment. Its moisture-wicking sweatband and green underbrim keep you cool and shielded, while the eyelets provide added ventilation during long days outdoors. With a […]
The Trailblazer takes some of the best features from Henschel Hat Company’s Hiker and adds a stylish twist. With certified sun protection, breathable mesh, and a crushable composition, you can experience the outdoors with confidence. UPF 50+ Low Crown 3″ Brim 1″ Leather Band Chincord Hiker
Topeka Distressed Australian Hat
Topeka Distressed Australian Hat
A hat built for rugged terrain, the Topeka from Henschel Hat Company features a smooth waxed cotton composition for water to slide off of, 3″ brim, and an adjustable chincord. Your outdoor adventure awaits! Waxed Cotton Water Repellent 3″ Brim Eyelets Chincord Australian
The Terran Crushable Aussie Hat from Henschel Hat Company is built for sun-soaked adventures where comfort meets durability. With its poly-cotton blend and UPF 50+ protection, this hat shields you from the harshest rays while the 3-inch brim and Coolmax sweatband keep you cool and dry. Designed to be crushable and equipped with a sturdy […]
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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