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Showing 81–96 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
A hat fit for a king…and queen! The Teddy King from Henschel Hat Company is hand made in Ecuador with genuine panama straw and features a smooth grosgrain band. Genuine Panama Straw Hand Made in Ecuador Lightweight 2″ Brim Grosgrain Band & Loop Fedora
The Tahoe Safari Breezer Hat from Henschel Hat Company is made for those who roam beneath the open sky, blending style with practicality. Its cotton and polyester composition, paired with a 2 1/4 inch brim, offers UPF 50+ sun protection while keeping you cool on the hottest of days. With a packable design and sleek […]
The Stirling from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight cotton composition, stonewashed pattern, and satin lining for a classic, stylish look. Cotton Stonewashed Pattern Satin Lining Driver
Effortless intimidation, the Stark from Henschel Hat Company gives you the confidence to take on whatever life throws at you. Featuring dakota cowhide leather, 3″ shapeable brim, and a stylish braided band. Dakota Cowhide Leather 3″ Shapeable Brim Braided Leather Band With Loop Australian
Stallion Outdoor Leather Safari Hat
Stallion Outdoor Leather Safari Hat
Capture the essence of the wild west with this elegant and powerful piece from Henschel Hat Company. Made from genuine suede cowhide leather, the Stallion features breathable eyelets on each side, satin lining, and a matching leather band with loop. Genuine Suede Cowhide Leather 2 1/2 Inch Brim Matching Leather Band & Loop Satin Lining Safari
Your desire to discover the unknown persuades the elements. Featuring crushable cotton canvas and a smooth leather band, the Sherwood from Henschel Hat Company gives you the protection to combat nature’s plan and look good while doing it. Cotton Canvas Composition Crushable Breathable Eyelets On Each Side 2 3/4″ Brim Leather Band Safari
Seychelle Hand Made Panama Hat
Seychelle Hand Made Panama Hat
Bring the tropical islands to you with the Seychelle from Henschel Hat Company. This genuine panama straw fedora is hand Made in Ecuador with unmatched attention to detail. Genuine Panama Straw Hand Made in Ecuador Custom Sweatband Fedora
Stay stylishly warm with the Salem from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a warm wool body, sleek herringbone pattern, and a suede leather visor. Poly-Wool Blend Herringbone Pattern Suede Faux Leather Visor New Shape Ivy
A close relative to the Aussie Breezer, the Safari Breezer from Henschel Hat Company cuts the chincord and trims the brim removing weight and adding style. Oh the places you’ll go. UPF 50+ Mesh Composition Crushable 2 1/2″ Brim Safari
Ruston Distressed Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
Ruston Distressed Waxed Cotton Safari Hat
The Ruston Distressed Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted from distressed waxed cotton for a rugged, weathered look that tells a story of countless adventures. Its breathable eyelets ensure comfort in any climate, while the rich leather band adds a refined touch of sophistication. Built for explorers, this hat is as tough as […]
The Rockport Mesh Fedora Hat from Henschel Hat Company is a refreshing blend of style and breathability. Crafted from lightweight linen with a mesh crown, it keeps you cool while exuding timeless sophistication. Topped with a self-band and loop, this versatile fedora is perfect for sunny strolls or casual evenings out. Linen Mesh Crown Self […]
Gather up the animals with the Riata from Henschel Hat Company. The oiled, pull up, leather and braided band with a loop make for an intimidating, yet persuasive, look. Oiled, Pull Up, Leather 3″ Brim Braided Band With Loop Adjustable Chincord
Regina Suede Leather Walker Hat
Regina Suede Leather Walker Hat
Hot under the sun and cool in the breeze, the Regina from Henschel Hat Company looks as good as it feels. Suede cowhide leather, a hand braided band, and flashy conchos make this hat a winner. Suede Cowhide Leather Packable Eyelets Braided Band 3″ Brim Walker
Swim beyond the shore and uncover a new horizon with the Revenna from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a packable body, 3″ brim, UPF 50+ sun protection, mesh crown, secret pocket, and chincord. Polyester UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ Brim Mesh Crown Secret Pocket Water Repellent Chincord Booney
Turn your outing into an adventure with the Lometa from Henschel Hat Company. Let the hand stained straw, and decorative band lead the way. Smoky Hand Stained Straw Studded Tie Back Band Centered Star Concho Western Straw Australian Western Straw
Whether you’re fishing, kayaking, or hiking you need a versatile companion that’s got your back. The Pioneer, from Henschel Hat Company, is the perfect solution. The crushable material and wide brim allow for maximum portability and sun protection regardless of your location. You’ll feel unstoppable. Crushable, Light Weight Material Packable Screen Vents On Each Side […]
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