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Showing 97–112 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
Embrace your American heritage in style and showcase your allegiance to the land of the free with this iconic piece of headwear. The Patriot from Henschel Hat Company features an American flag pattern all over and a star studded band embodying the spirit of freedom and unity. Straw American Flag Pattern Star Studded Band Red & White […]
The Pathfinder from Henschel is a superb hat made for the outdoor enthusiast. The ultra light composition and mesh crown keeps your head cool while protecting your face from the sun. UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ Brim Cotton Chincord Coolmax Sweatband Aussie
Experiencing the outdoors has never been more comfortable with the Oswego from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a low crown, 3″ snap up brim, and chincord, you’ll be equipped for whatever surprises the weather may have. Cotton 3″ Snap Up Brim Low Crown Chincord Aussie
For your upcoming festivities take something with you that boasts adventure and style. The Osage from Henschel Hat Company incorporates crushable leather and a safari shape to create an unmatched piece of art. Waxed Cowhide Leather Crushable 2 1/2″ Brim Leather Band With Loop Safari
The Orillia Wool Felt Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for the adventurer who values both rugged style and comfort. Made from durable wool felt with a 3-inch brim, this crushable outback hat offers the perfect balance of sun protection and packable convenience. Accented with a beaded leather band and tassel, the Orillia adds […]
Henschel Hat Company’s best-selling Original Aussie Breezer Hat is the perfect fusion of comfort and protection, built for those who thrive under the sun. Featuring a breathable mesh body and a wide 3-inch brim, this hat offers UPF 50+ sun protection while keeping you cool on hot days. Complete with a leather chincord for a […]
Stylish, warm, and sophisticated, the Monetta from Henschel Hat Company strengthens your wardrobe. Featuring a wool body, big bill, and plaid pattern. Wool Big Bill Plaid Pattern Ivy
Onaway Lightweight Baseball Cap
Versatile, lightweight, and compact, the Onaway, from Henschel Hat Company, fits in your pocket with ease. Featuring a snap on cover, water repellent fabric, and mesh crown. Packable Lightweight Water Repellent Mesh Crown Baseball
The Ohatchee Felt Outback Hat from Henschel Hat Company is made for the adventurer who values both practicality and style. Its crushable wool felt composition makes it resilient, ready to be packed and reshaped after every journey, while the 3-inch brim offers ample protection from the elements. With a beautifully braided leather band adding a […]
The perfect accompaniment to the upcoming concert. The Odessa from Henschel Hat Company steals the show with hand stained straw, a fancy beaded band, and turquoise center concho. Hand Stained Straw 3″ Shapeable Brim Multicolored Beaded Tie Back Band Center Turquoise Concho Outback
Nothing screams tropical island vacation more than the Nova Brisa from Henschel Hat Company! One could argue piña coladas are a close second. From the premium hand made body to the smooth leather band, your shade is unmatched. Hand Made In Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw Light Weight 2 3/4″ Brim Leather Band & Loop Panama
Norfolk Crushable Felt Safari Hat
The Norfolk Crushable Felt Safari Hat from Henschel Hat Company blends timeless design with unmatched versatility. Its soft wool felt, 2 1/2-inch brim, and crushable structure make it perfect for easy travel or everyday wear. Finished with a sleek leather band and buckle. Wool Felt 2 1/2 Inch Brim Leather Band & Buckle Crushable Safari
Subtle complexity for a humbled yet fashionable look. The Newry from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight cotton composition, a small checkered pattern, and satin lining. Cotton Lightweight Satin Lining Duckbill
The leaves rustle along the streets as a cool breeze fills the city air. The Newport from Henschel Hat Company is a stylish way to keep the wind out of your hair. Faux Leather Composition Cotton Lining Accent Piping 6 Panel Ivy
Timeless elegance and craftsmanship, the Nerina from Henschel Hat Company features two tone weave perfected by skilled artisans, genuine panama straw, and a stylish grosgrain band. Made in Ecuador Genuine Panama Straw Stylish Grosgrain Band Two Tone Weave 3″ Brim UPF 50+ Sun Protection
Mountaineer Western Leather Aussie Hat
Mountaineer Western Leather Aussie Hat
To conquer a mountain you need special equipment with soul. The Mountaineer, from Henschel Hat Company takes your adventure to new heights with smooth full grain leather and a snap up brim for a customized look. Cowhide Leather 3″ Snap Up Brim Leather Chincord Aussie
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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