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Showing 113–128 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
Miramichi Dakota Leather Cowhide Hat
Greet your fellow cowboys with a hat that talks back. The Miramichi from Henschel Hat Company features Dakota cowhide leather and a handsome braided band and silver conchos. Dakota Cowhide Leather 3″ Shapeable Brim Braided Band & Silver Conchos Dude
Top up or top down, the choice is yours with the Meridian from Henschel Hat Company. This lightweight cap features a zip off crown (turning the hat into a visor), water repellent fabric, and mesh vents on top. Zip Off Crown Packable Water Repellent Mesh Vents on Top Baseball
Redefining the classic ivy style with lightweight and water repellent material, the Marlow from Henschel Hat Company is a stylish shield from the elements. Take control. Lightweight Water Repellent Crushable Eyelets On Each Side For Breathability Cotton Lining New Shape Ivy
Crisp and classic with style unmatched. The Markham from Henschel Hat Company features a warm wool felt composition and slick grosgrain ribbon band. You can’t be touched. Wool Felt Grosgrain Ribbon Band & Bow 1 5/8″ Brim Crushable Porkpie
Slick to the touch, the Marion from Henschel Hat Company is made of waxed cotton to help repel the elements and features a 3″ brim, chincord, eyelets, and a stylish leather band. Waxed Cotton Water Repellent 3″ Brim Eyelets Chincord Leather Band & Loop Outback
The Elsinboro Leather Walker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is more than just a hat—it’s a symbol of rugged adventure. Crafted from premium cowhide leather, it boasts a 3-inch shapeable brim that bends to your will, offering both protection and style. Accented with a leather concho band, this hat carries the spirit of the untamed […]
Crisp, lightweight, with a touch of summer vibes, the Makah from Henschel Hat Company features a lightweight paper straw composition and stylish grosgrain band. Paper Straw Lightweight Grosgrain Band Fedora
If you’re looking for a replacement chincord that’s soft and lightweight, the cotton chincord is the right choice. Cotton Plastic Adjuster Lightweight
The Leesburg Wool Fedora Hat from Henschel Hats combines a refined look with a hint of ruggedness. Crafted from a durable wool blend, it offers warmth and comfort without sacrificing style. The self band, accented with a leather trim, gives the hat an eye-catching detail that sets it apart. It’s a piece that balances casual […]
Roam the wilderness in relentless style with the Walker from Henschel Hat Company, a hat that embodies both strength and sophistication. Crafted from full grain, raging bull leather, this piece feels as untamed as the landscapes it was made for. With a fully shapeable 3-inch brim and a stylish tie-back concho band, the Walker invites […]
Latimer Distressed Duckbill Cap
Latimer Distressed Duckbill Cap
The Latimer Distressed Duckbill Cap from Henschel Hat Company blends classic style with modern convenience. Crafted from high-quality cotton, its distressed finish adds a rugged charm to any outfit. The satin lining ensures comfort while wearing, and its packable design makes it ideal for travel or on-the-go adventures. With its timeless appeal and practical features, […]
Lacombe Premium Leather Driver Cap
Lacombe Premium Leather Driver Cap
A classic style resurrected for modern times. The Lacombe from Henschel Hat Company is made from premium cowhide leather and features an elastic headband for a snug fit. Premium Cowhide Leather Elastic Sweatband Driver Cap
The Kingston Felt Outback Hat from Henschel Hat Company is crafted for those who crave adventure without sacrificing style. Made from crushable wool felt, this hat effortlessly adapts to any journey, with its generous 3 1/2 inch shapeable brim providing both shade and a commanding presence. Finished with a sleek leather band and a touch […]
Whether you’re working on your garden or relaxing by the pool, Henschel Hat Company’s Innsbruck has you shaded. Featuring a large 4″ big bill, vented crown, UPF 50+ sun protection, and removable face armour. Polyester UPF 50+ 4″ Brim Vented Crown Chincord Water Repellent Removable Face Armour Big Bill Booney
Glistening like the sunset, the Sandpoint from Henschel Hat Company captivates the eye with its smooth full grain leather and distressed finish. You will be the center of attention. Genuine Cowhide Leather Smooth Distressed Finish 2 1/2″ Brim Perforated Leather Band Eyelets On Sides Safari
The Hiker Seadream from Henschel Hat Company is the perfect get away from the sun featuring UPF 50+ and a mesh crown for breathability. This hat is made of cotton duck, the same cotton duck that is used on sails. Throw off the bowlines, explore, dream, and discover. UPF 50+ Sun Protection 3″ Brim Chincord Hiker
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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