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Showing 177–181 of 181 resultsSorted by average rating
Prepare yourself for the warm tropical vibes with the Alturay from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a lightweight paper straw composition, striped band, and contrasting checkered pattern. Paper Straw Lightweight Contrasting Checkered Pattern Striped Band Fedora
Rock out with the Alamo from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring hand stained raffia straw, centered concho, chincord band, and a vented crown. Shred life’s stage in style! Hand Stained Raffia Straw Centered Concho Chincord Band Vented Crown Australian
Add some unique personality to your style with the Reggio Ivy Cap from Brims Hat Company. Featuring a handmade Italian Harris Tweed 100% virgin wool body, chic patchwork pattern, genuine nubuck suede leather brim, and quilt lining. Become the center of attention. *Harris Tweed – Dyed, Spun, Handwoven at the home of the Weaver and […]
A quality cap doesn’t get much better than this. The Ferrara from Brims Hat Company is handmade in Italy with Harris Tweed 100% virgin wool and features genuine nubuck suede leather accents and quilt lining. *Harris Tweed – Dyed, Spun, Handwoven at the home of the Weaver and Finished in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Handmade in […]
A statement piece for the finest gentleman. The Catania from Brims Hat Company is handmade in Italy with Harris Tweed 100% virgin wool and features a genuine nubuck suede leather visor and quilt lining. *Harris Tweed – Dyed, Spun, Handwoven at the home of the Weaver and Finished in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Handmade in Italy […]
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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