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Showing 161–176 of 181 resultsSorted by latest
The Beaufort Wool Fedora Hat from Henschel Hats offers a perfect blend of style and practicality. Made from a soft wool blend, it provides warmth and comfort for cooler days. The crown is adorned with a classic plaid pattern, giving the hat a bit of character and texture. A self-fabric band wraps around the base […]
Backcountry Brushed Cotton Safari Hat
Backcountry Brushed Cotton Safari Hat
Roam the wilderness in silky smooth style. The brushed cotton finish make the Backcountry from Henschel Hat Company a site to behold. Brushed Cotton Eyelets 2 1/2″ Brim Self Band Safari
The Avon Booney Hat from Henschel Hat Company is designed for the modern adventurer, featuring waxed cotton and water-repellent protection to handle unpredictable elements. With screen vents for breathability and a packable design, it easily adapts to any journey, from mountain trails to coastal getaways. Complete with an adjustable chin cord and a secret pocket […]
Feel the island breeze with the Aventura from Henschel Hat Company. Featuring a vented crown, striped grosgrain band, and hand made in Ecuador from genuine panama straw. Genuine Panama Straw Hand Made in Ecuador Vented Crown 2 3/8″ Brim Striped Grosgrain Band & Loop Safari
Experienced travelers know “new” doesn’t last long. The Aussie Distressed Breezer from Henschel Hat Company features a distressed cotton blend, packability, 3″ brim, chincord, and a camo underbrim. Distressed Cotton Packable 3″ Brim Chincord Camo Underbrim Aussie
For those looking to crank their sun protection up a notch, Henschel’s Aussie Breezer Grande hat has you covered. UPF 50+ certified and a large 3.5″ brim easily shields your face and more. The sun doesn’t stand a chance. UPF 50+ 3.5″ Brim Crushable Breathable Mesh Composition Leather Chincord Aussie
Aussie Breezer Collector’s Edition
Aussie Breezer Collector’s Edition
The Aussie Breezer just got cooler. The Collector’s Edition from Henschel comes in a variety of beautiful artworks accompanied by a crushable mesh body for optimal air flow and packability. Available in limited quantities. UPF 50+ Artwork on Mesh Crown Mesh Body 3″ Brim Aussie
The Camo Breezer from Henschel is the perfect hunting hat featuring UPF 50+ sun protection and a mesh crown for breathability. The Realtree patterns disguise you in plain sight. Blend with nature. UPF 50+ Sun Protection Polycotton Camo 3″ Brim Chincord Aussie
The Audubon Leather Walker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is a tribute to classic adventure, made for explorers at heart. Crafted from premium cowhide leather, its 3-inch shapeable brim allows you to mold it to suit your journey, while offering timeless protection. Adorned with a smooth leather band and tassel, this hat embodies elegance and […]
The Ashburn from Henschel Hat Company will light up your face as you cruise through the day. Featuring neutral colors and lightweight materials, this duckbill cap is a great addition to your wardrobe. Lightweight Linen Blend Cotton Lining Duckbill
Don’t let the cold get in your head! The Italian Made Arezzo from Henschel Hat Company features a smooth wool plaid, 2″ brim, and warm earflaps to keep the cold away for good. Made in Italy Earflaps Plaid Wool 2″ Brim Big Brim Fedora
The Ardmore Wool Felt Hiker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is your trusted companion for cozy evenings by the fire and daring treks through the great outdoors. With its crushable wool felt design and a perfectly sized 2 3/4-inch brim, it offers comfort and practicality for every adventure. Finished with a classic leather band, this […]
The Apache Wool Felt Hiker Hat from Henschel Hat Company is your trusted companion for rugged trails and open horizons. Its crushable wool felt design ensures durability and packability, while the 3-inch brim offers ample sun protection. Finished with a sturdy leather band and buckle, this hat combines functionality and bold style for any adventure. […]
Premium garment leather accompanied by a sleek leather band, the Andorra from Henschel, is a simple classic reborn. Premium Garment Leather Leather Band Brando
The Distressed Amory Bucket Hat from Henschel Hat Company is a versatile companion for those who embrace adventure with laid-back style. Featuring screen vents for optimal airflow and a crushable design, this hat is built to pack up and bounce back without losing its shape. With its rugged distressed finish, the Amory is perfect for […]
A quintessential symbol of American pride and style. The Americana from Henschel Hat Company boasts a breathable mesh crown, expertly engineered to keep you cool and comfortable in the warmest of climates. The lightweight mesh construction ensures optimal airflow, allowing a gentle breeze to caress your head as you embrace the great outdoors. UPF 50+ […]
Making exceptional headwear since 1947, we offer hats that celebrate individual expression across every category.
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